Members' Helpline
AICNSW Helpline for Licensed Members
9633 2165 | [email protected]
Terms & Conditions / Disclaimer
The AICNSW Members’ Helpline is intended to provide support to members encountering difficulties during conveyancing transactions.
These guidelines are in place to allow us to provide effective and efficient assistance to members in who make an enquiry.
Please note the following Helpline Guidelines:
- The service is exclusively for licensed members.
- The service is not available for Affiliate or Student Members.
- If the Helpline is unable to provide assistance, the member will be referred to a subject matter expert (SME) or one of our legal service providers for further support.
- Helpline hours are weekdays from 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm.
- While immediate assistance may not always be available, all calls/email will be responded to within 1 business day.
- Helpline calls should not take more than 15 minutes. Accordingly, please ensure that prior to calling all relevant information is available.
- Helpline assistance assumes a professional level of pre-existing knowledge, including references to case law, legislation, and industry jargon.
- Any assistance given by AICNSW is done so without any representations or warranties express or implied, and any assistance is provided making no representations or warranties in relation to the information provided.
- All information and/or assistance is by way of suggestion only and is provided referring to legislation, common law and practical experience and is not to be construed as legal advice.
- Any member contacting the Helpline must ultimately make the decision on their best course of action taking their own knowledge and experience and client instructions into consideration.
- The Helpline is not provided for training purposes. As a Licensed Conveyancer, members by virtue of their licensing are expected to be competent in the relevant area when seeking assistance. See: Conveyancing Licensing Regulations- Schedule 3 Rules of conduct
- To undertake only work within competence.
A licensee must not accept instructions to act as a conveyancer unless the licensee is competent to perform the conveyancing work concerned.
- To undertake only work within competence.
- The Helpline is not a library service or research centre. Callers should have attempted to research readily available legislation and case law before seeking assistance.
- Please note that AICNSW is not a PEXA subscriber/agent and cannot assist with the platform.
- All enquiries should be conducted in a professional and courteous manner and any breach of such behaviour may result in the member being subject to a time limited ban from accessing the Helpline.
By calling the AICNSW Helpline members acknowledge that they have read and accept the above conditions of use.